Today the President of The United States held what can only be described as the most extraodinary address to the nation in the history of this country. He announced that because of the Balanced Budget Act of 1980, the National Debt has been paid in full. After twenty years of no deficit spending The United States of America is debt free. He went on to say that the Office of Management and Budget is projecting the following...
1. By 2012 the U.S. Treasury will have a surplus sufficient to pay all medical expenses for all Americans without relying on programs such as government Healthcare, Medicare, or Medicaid. No health insurance of any kind will be needed by anyone.
2. By 2014 the U.S. Treasury surplus will have grown sufficiently to provide a free college education for anyone wanting it at any institution of higher learning in the country, be it public or private.
3. By 2016 the U.S. Treasury surplus will be sufficient to provide all Americans age fifty or older retirement benefits equal to 100% of pay for life and survivor benefits of equal amount.
The president then announced that he has instructed Congress to begin work on a "National Endowment". He explained that, by the year 2020 the U.S. Treasury surplus will have grown sufficiently to support a national endowment that will generate enough revenue so that the Federal Income Tax can be abolished.
At the end of his news conference the president made the most astounding announcement of all. He informed the American people that God was in the Oval Office and wanted to make an announcement. No one was seen, but from out of nowhere came a voice that proclaimed, "HELL HAS FROZEN OVER".
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