The thoughts expressed below, either mine or quoted, shall most likely verify the speculation that my ignorance is, and always has been, instantaneous. If you read something here and you think it's brilliant, think about it a little more. And, if you read something here and you think it's stupid, think about it a little less.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Harry Reid Is Thrashing

An old IT term 'thrashing' came to mind after hearing what Harry Reid had to say about the bailout of Ford Motor Company. Thrashing happened in the olden days (circa 1990) when a disk drive had too many I/O requests at the same 'thrashed' across the platter surface but couldn't/didn't perform reads or writes with a whole lot of accuracy or dependability. If left unattended, the drive eventually crashed.

I'd ask Mr. Reid to check out what really happened, but that would be a waste of breath.  Then I'd ask Mr. Reid to check out the the results of Ford refusing a government bailout.  But that would also be a waste of breath.

Harry's been thrashing around Washinton too long and he's about to crash.

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