The thoughts expressed below, either mine or quoted, shall most likely verify the speculation that my ignorance is, and always has been, instantaneous. If you read something here and you think it's brilliant, think about it a little more. And, if you read something here and you think it's stupid, think about it a little less.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sorta Sane

People say I'm sorta sane.  I guess it's 'cause I tried going insane once and it sorta worked.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


God schedules all birthdays.  He scheduled the first one and He will schedule the last one.

Simply Boring

The only way life could be simpler is if you left out the details.   And that would be so boring.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Faith Is Sorta Simple

Faith is really quite simple. 
You talk yourself into it,
Or someone else does. 
It doesn't get complicated
Until you start wondering
If it's right or wrong.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I don't know the Bible...but I believe it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Roses Are Red

And I Love You

There I've Said It Again

I Love You...

Bridge Over Troubled Water

When Times Get Rough And Friends Just Can't Be Found...

The Day The Music Died

Another Favorite - "American Pie"

"I Can't Stop Loving You"

One of My Favorites...

How Am I Going To Get To Church?

Whoa!!!  It's really going to be a bummer trying to get to church on Sunday in Tarlay, Shan state, Myanmar.

A powerful earthquake stuck Thursday night in northeastern Myanmar. The quake, measured at magnitude 6.8 by the U.S. Geological Survey, was centered just north of Tachileik town in Shan State near the Thai border. It was felt hundreds of miles (kilometers) away in the Thai capital, Bangkok, and Vietnamese capital, Hanoi.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Going On Or Going Away

"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on."
— Carl Sandburg

An abortion is the world's opinion that God should go away.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

1963 - A Lot Of Fine Days

There were a lot of fine days in 1963.  The finest was when I met my wife at a street dance and I've been dating her ever since.  The only day that wasn't a fine day was Friday, November 22nd.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Christian Wearing a Straw Hat And Suspenders

Rules Shall Never Smother The Spirit.

You Shall Obey The Rules Or You Shall Go To Hell.

You Shall Not Sing Hymns In English.

To Be Shunned Or Not To Be Shunned.

Spread The Word, Not The Rules.

Faith Dissolves Rules.

Do You Care What Time It Is ?

"Winding The Clock Forward In March And Back In November Is Like Biannually Changing The Measure Of An Inch."

Published: March 10, 2011 by Howard Mansfield in the New York Times 

NOT long ago, clocks were thought to be dangerous. Folklore had it that two of them ticking in the same room could bring “sure death.” It’s easy to see how this belief arose. The clocks were almost certain to disagree, and in the space between two chimings of one hour, uncertainty crept in; the machines’ authority was undermined. We don’t like to be reminded that clock time is a convenient fiction.

Daylight saving time, which begins on Sunday, is unsettling in the same way. Winding the clock forward in March and back in November is like biannually changing the measure of an inch.

This tinkering with clocks is our inheritance from a people obsessed with time. Clocks spread rapidly in early America. They were expensive imports, but popular among the Puritans, who despised idleness. Massachusetts passed a law in 1663 making the wasting of time a crime: “No person, householder or other shall spend his time idly or unprofitably, under pain of such punishment as the court shall think meet to inflict.” A century later, the Boston-born Benjamin Franklin (“time is money”) proposed a version of daylight saving time as a joke to stop slothful Parisians from sleeping in. But it was an English Puritan, Ralph Thoresby, who invented an early alarm clock.

By the mid-19th century, Americans were producing their own clocks. Workshops in Connecticut produced cheap models with wooden gears. Peddlers sold them from coast to frontier. The “Yankee clock peddlers” managed to “stick up a clock in every cabin in the western country,” reported George William Featherstonhaugh, an English geographer who visited the States. “Wherever we have been, in Kentucky, in Indiana, in Illinois, in Missouri, and here in every dell of Arkansas, and in cabins where there was not a chair to sit on, there was sure to be a Connecticut clock.”

But all these clocks were like many Americans themselves: individual, conforming to their own notions. There were hundreds of local times, each city setting its city hall or courthouse clock to match its own solar noon. When it was 12 p.m. in Chicago, it was 11:50 a.m. in St. Louis and 12:18 p.m. in Detroit. But that wasn’t a problem because local time was all that mattered.

That changed when the railroads began to unify the country. The railroads ran by their own time, which vexed travelers trying to make connections. Many stations had two clocks, one for railroad time and one for local time.

To eliminate the confusion, railroads took it upon themselves in 1883 to divide the country into four time zones, with one standard time within each zone. To resist could mean economic isolation, so at noon on Nov. 18, 1883, Chicagoans had to move their clocks back 9 minutes and 32 seconds. It’s as if the railroads had commanded the sun to stand still, The Chicago Tribune wrote. Louisville was set back almost 18 minutes, and The Louisville Courier-Journal called the change a “compulsory lie.” In a letter to the editor, a reader demanded to know “if anyone has the authority and right to change the city time without the consent of the people?” In an 1884 referendum, three-quarters of voters in Bangor, Me., opposed the 25-minute change to “Philadelphia time.”

One sees the same annoyance with the “compulsory lie” of daylight saving time. When it was being debated in 1916, The Literary Digest saw it as a trick to make “people get up earlier by telling them it is later than it really is.” The Saturday Evening Post asked, in jest, “why not ‘save summer’ by having June begin at the end of February?” And an Arkansas congressman lampooned the time reformers by proposing that we change our thermometers: move the freezing point up 13 degrees and a lot of folks could be tricked into burning less fuel to heat their houses.

We adopted daylight saving time (during World War I), rejected it (after the war), adopted it again (during World War II), and then left it up to the states and localities until 1966, when Congress once more decided it was a national concern. And as much as we complain and point out that it doesn’t make anyone more productive or save any energy, it persists. Almost every state has eight months of it each year and only four months of so-called standard time. As a result, today we rose with the dawn and next week we’ll be eating breakfast in darkness.

The change is disconcerting. But more unsettling still is the mystery we’d rather not face: If clock time isn’t real, what is time, anyway? We don’t understand time, and we definitely don’t want to admit that our allotment is limited. We just want to get on with our day.


Friday, March 4, 2011

What A Character

It's impossible to judge the character of a politician.  The best you can do is judge the politics of the character.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gimmie A Hug

I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.

— Shel Silverstein

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What If

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, every day would be Christmas.