The thoughts expressed below, either mine or quoted, shall most likely verify the speculation that my ignorance is, and always has been, instantaneous. If you read something here and you think it's brilliant, think about it a little more. And, if you read something here and you think it's stupid, think about it a little less.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


A time saving device that wastes too much of your time.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Reasonable Tolerance

“I tolerate with utmost latitude the right of others to differ with me in opinion without imputing to them criminality. I know too well all the weaknesses and uncertainty of human reason to wonder at its different results.”

-Thomas Jefferson

Friday, January 15, 2010

For Richer or Poorer

"I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
— Barack Obama

"You don't make the poor richer by making the rich poorer."
— Winston S. Churchill

Hey Jack !

If your scared of climbing to new heights and you don't like messing around with giants, you might want to think twice about trading your cow for a handful of magic beans.  Otherwise, go for it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wisdom Of A Six Year Old

"Kids say the darndest things". You've probably heard this said many times and you yourself have heard kids say the darndest things. But sometimes, if you stop and think about what kids say, sometimes they say the wisest things.

Think about this.

My six year old granddaughter lives in South Carolina. A few months ago her dad had a job interview in New Hamspire. He and my daughter decided it would be nice to make the trip a week long family affair. So, they packed my four gradchildren in their Ford F-150 supercab pick-up and drove to New Hampshire.

After a very long and very cramped two days on the road my son-in-law announced that they were about to cross the state line into New Hamshire. Everyone looked out the window and, finally, there was the interstate sign that said "Welcome to New Hampshire". There was a loud collective cheer from the four road weary kids. Then my son-in-law pointed to another sign on the side of the road and informed his children that it was New Hampshire's state motto, "Live Free or Die". There was a long period of silence inside the cramped pick-up and then my six year old granddaughter, knowing that she perhaps would be living in New Hampshire, declared, "I guess I'll live free".

Think about the history and the true meaning of "Live Free or Die" and the person who first spoke those words. Think about all of the brave patriots who fought and died for our country. Now think about how easy it was for my six year old granddaughter to declare..."I Guess I'll Live Free".

Monday, January 11, 2010

Little Things Bug Me

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

America Rising
We've had enough!
We're taking our country back!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Nuts and Guns

Ask the liberals living in this country who the "Tea Party" protestors were and they would tell you, "just a bunch of religious nuts with guns". Ask the Indians living down the road from Plymouth Rock in 1620 who just came ashore and they would tell you, "just a bunch of religious nuts with guns".

Friday, January 1, 2010

Modern Party Politics

1.  I do not want to hear any criticism from the other side.
2.  I do not want to see any proposals from the other side.
3.  I am not going to explain my side.